The Sky is Pink is based on the true story of Aisha Choudhary who is terminally ill due to a condition called pulmonary fibrosis. The film is based on her life and the journey she and her family go through as they deal with the inevitable. Aisha's mother is a possessed woman who will do everything to keep her child alive as long as possible. She and her husband are ready to go to any length to see their child live and fulfill her tiniest wishes. The lives of the members of her family revolve around Aisha's condition as they struggle with their helplessness of not being able to do much.
This film is about the inevitable end we all face. It is also about the process of dealing with it. Not only for Aisha but also for her family as they come to terms with her early death. It's a very emotional story that expresses the feelings and complications of the family who are going to lose a member. The sentimental chaos and emotional roller coaster the audience experiences has to be attributed to the wonderful scenes created by the director that emotes the feelings of a mother, a father, and a brother.
Somewhere during the film, you may begin to think about your relationship with death or the reality of losing someone you love. The film is philosophical at many levels. The experience is close to one of the life and transformation courses some of us may have done. These courses talk about death to wake us up to the reality of the things that really matter to us. Priyanka Chopra fulfills the character so well that it is as if she is about to lose her daughter. She has mastered different emotions related to being a mother and a wife and portrayed them passionately. Farhan matches her as the husband who takes a backseat allowing the emotional mother to take over as she protects her dying child. Zair Wasim gives another subtle performance as Aisha who deals with her own death while watching her family suffer. Though the suffering can get insufferable at some point which can't be helped.
A different film which made me very emotional and made me think of what really matters. You come out of the hall feeling enlightened. I guess Shonali Bose has achieved her purpose.
Rating - 3.8 / 5