Friday 13 May 2016

DEAR DAD - Review

Dissappointing !! Its like when the chef has all the ingredients to make a Michelin star dish and he fails to put it together for some reason. The dish is unappetizing and tastes average.  This was a great opportunity for Tanuj Bhramar to make an award winning film. A brilliant actor who fits the character perfectly with his natural poise, intensity and charm. A teenage debutant who is able to emote and has a grip on his act.  A very unique and interesting story with the potential to stand out.  Scenic locations to compliment the silent emotive and poignant issue. Silent frames and tones that begged for intensity and motion from the director. The script lacked dialogue, involvement of characters making the story torpid.  Dear Dad lacks the juice and spice that make films great. There are huge gaps in the narrative. The father confesses – the son reacts – interval – the son accepts – THE END.
The father son relationship has been done justice by the father and the son. The friendly relationship that a loving father is strong enough to have with the son, has been depicted beautifully. Himanshu Sharma shows maturity as Shivam while dealing with a difficult issue his family faces.The film successfully rubbishes common, prejudiced and condescending misconceptions about a particular social minority,

Rating – 2 / 5

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