Sunday 14 August 2016

Mohenjo Daro

A film without a theme or an agenda , Mohenjo Daro will bore you with its frivolity and meaninglessness. A spineless script with complete failure of imagination and invention , there is not much to be implemented.  School children can boast of a more fertile and plausible imagination of the lessons learnt in history about the ancient civilisations of Harappa and Mohenjo Daro.  A strange animal supposedly a unicorn looking like a goat with the wrong placement of the horns, appears in the dreams of the protagonist and leads him to something of a prophecy.  Characters wearing strange attires and horns on head not only look idiotic but are an insult to the viewer robbing him of his intelligence. There was not much for Hrithink to do, not that he does much apart from some really great flexible dance moves matching the music, there was no scope even for that. It was a weird attempt to showcase the cultural nuances of the ancient civilization. If that was really the intent then a documentary for the Discovery channel would have been apt. As I said the film does not have a backbone without which my back didn’t allow me to relax on the seat forcing me out after the interval. Puja Hegde looks like a model on the ramp, which I guess is the new meaning of acting as most appear to be doing that, with plastic poses and a plain expressionless face.  A waste of time and money,  DON’T WATCH THIS ONE.

Rating  - 1/5 

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