Friday 18 November 2016

Ventilator (Marathi)

An emotionally charged film, Ventilator, at the heart of it, is a film about the father and son relationship. And over that relationship are the rest of the relationships wound as extensions, which happens in most Indian families. The typical nuances and behavior of the near, distant, urban, rural, close and estranged relatives of us Indians has been brought to fore in a light, comical and entertaining fashion. The characters are fully developed and matured giving each actor a complete script to perform to her best. Rajesh Mapuskar has written a great story digging deep into the thought, emotions and behavior of any Indian family. Men in our or any culture, for that matter, do not express their fondness for each other. This complicates the father and son relationship to a point of suffering for which, many times, both of them are responsible. This film is able to expose that underlying tension, misunderstandings and wordlessness of this relationship in a way that will leave you emotional and tearful. And this entire baggage that most of us carry throughout our lives, attains nirvana when either of them is on the verge of being lost or already lost. The feelings and emotions drain you out in those difficult moments and relax you after the tide has passed.  Death in the family often transforms you in a way to maturity and wisdom. And with the blessings of Lord Ganesh this film will surely move you and hopefully encourage you to tell your father that you love him. A must watch film with brilliant performances by each and every actor especially Jitendra Joshi and Satish Aalekar who stood out.

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