Monday 20 February 2017


An intense and emotional treat, Moonlight is a rare film which speaks volumes without many dialogues. It is an institution of strong yet unexpressed emotions conveyed non verbally. The intensity of the main character’s emotions has been outdone by three extraordinary actors Trevante, Ashton and Alex. The brilliance of the direction lies in the consistency of this intensity in three different performers to give the film a soul and completeness that can only be felt and not heard. The film showcases brilliant editing and cinematography. Each frame is unique and shot at angles that make it artistic and beautiful. The script writer is a master of emotions to be able to communicate it this well. The feelings of pain, suffering longing detachment and the craving for love and attachment, all have been conveyed through the lead’s eyes. The minimalistic but poignant statements of the lead will ring through your mind long after watching this film. If you enjoy silences between words and the intensity that comes with it, do not miss this one. It’s an experience.

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