Sunday 30 April 2017

Bahubali 2 - The Conclusion

Humongous, gargantuan, gigantic and enormous, everything about this film is massive.  Every frame shines from the golden ornaments, the golden throne and golden palaces. The opulence and magnanimity of flourishing Indian empires will overwhelm your vision just as the spectacular visuals of grand elephants, flying soldiers and the limitless strength all the living beings possess in this film. The royal characters are stronger than all the Greek gods put together wielding all weapons one can imagine. Beautiful strong women are as deadly and beautiful and can put the likes of Andromeda and Aphrodite to shame. A story of succession and heirdom spanning three generations this film is as heavy in its narrative and script as in the sets and visual effects. The 7 feet tall, muscular heroes stopping and fighting huge elephants, dislocating large monuments and clashing in duals vibrated the seats we were sitting on and shook the walls of the cinema hall. The characters are well played out by each of the actors doing complete justice to the aura of the film. Ramya Krishnan’s majestic presence and big eyes kept up with the royal court in her palace, while Anushka Shetty’s beauty is magnetic and mesmerizing. 

The whole experience has the classic south indian nature to it giving a very unique and different experience from Bollywood. On the flip side it’s a heavy dose of all the above. Its like this wedding you go to which is grand and opulent and has a spread of rich, greasy and heavy cuisine. Do we like the food ? OH yes ! But it leaves you feeling lethargic and immovable .I had a heavy feeling in my head for a few hours and a good night’s sleep helped me get over the hangover of the dinosaur that is Bahubali 2. A bit too much and unnecessary exaggeration of everything, I would recommend this film if you can handle overdoses.

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