Saturday 13 October 2018


Some films have a strong story. Others have a powerful narrative. Then there are films which work because of the star cast. But there are very few films where the cinematography and art direction are the champions. Tumbadd is a brilliant example of this genre of films. The dialogue is minimal and the story happens in the cinematography and engrossing visuals. Each frame has been meticulously designed to add to the theme. The artistic sets and costumes will delight your vision.The whole film has an eerie and cold feel to it. A story based on ancient folklore to produce an allegory; is a welcome change after being bombarded with realistic and desi cinema. Even though it is not a horror film the prophecy and mythology are captivating and entertaining. The whole film resonates with the age-old fable of the hen that laid golden eggs. We all know what happened to that story. A great experience is revealed in a hidden treasure and the quest of a man to acquire it. Consumed by greed and lust everything is lost and a moral is born.

Not loud, not pompous with just enough characters,  the narrative is dense, subtle and extremely artistic. The director gets us completely involved in the story by creating a suspense in every scene. As an audience you will eagerly wait for the next scene. Each scene has an interesting camera angle that gives movie buffs something different to savor. The background scores and the sets have never communicated like this before. The camera work, production and VFX teams have created some extraordinary work on film that should probably be reminisced as an inspiring kind of film making.

 Its like having exotic rural delicacies after having tasted junk food for ages. The taste not only mesmerizes you but wakes you up to a new experience. You savor the dish and enjoy the moment.  The actors’ expressions and movements speak to you. The minimal dialogues convey maximum meaning. Kudos to director Rahi Anil Barve and creative director Anand Gandhi. Sohum Shah keeps up with the creative director’s vision and gives a contained and wholesome performance as a lead. This is a film that HAS to be watched in the theatre. You won’t enjoy it when it is aired on TV after a month.  
Rating – 4 / 5

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