I had always heard from friends of how bad book adaptations were. Many readers said that the depth with which a book treats the story is never possible to be transferred on screen. So this time I made up my mind to read the book first and then watch the film. Every great film and series in the past few years have been book adaptations and I wanted to experience what it felt like. So the plan was to read John Greens "The Fault in our Stars", watch the English film and then watch Dil Bechara. Ambitious ! I did finish the book a day before Dil Bechara was released. I couldn't watch the English film though.
Dil Bechara touches and massages your heart lovingly, who knows, maybe it was Sushants way of saying good-bye. It all fits in well, the cinema and what happened. A tragic loss of someone so vivacious and true, it is uncanny to watch this film. In his last film, Sushant gives a great and true performance. He had done complete just to the character. We get to see a new face of love which gives two terminally ill patients a reason to celebrate and live. As these two youngsters engage in each others frivolity and become close, it is heart wrenching to see that ultimately they cant be together. Mukesh Chhabra has done his best even though it is bit dificult to project the depth and detail from a book onto the screen. He has successfully adapted the tender melancholic tone of the book into the film retaining many delicate nuances and paraphernelia. But by trying to follow the book to the tee, the director has had to add too much detail into the story puncturing the main narrative. This has affected the story and intensity of the main theme. For instance, Kizie (Helen from the book) does not live upto her melancholic and resigned state and that greatly changes the game. Sanjan Sanghi has a natural delicateness that doesn't do justice to the whirlwind of emotion her character is going through, which is very important to the plot and is lost because of other frivolous detail.
A grand gesture to show the film to non members, a true dedication to a fine actor. He will definitely be missed.
Rating - 3.5 / 5
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