The number of gay men married to women in India is huge. They did this to escape social bigotry. Homophobia in India, and all over the world, is so prevalent even today that most of the LGBTQ ++ community doesn't have a choice but to suppress and suffer in silence. Imagine if you couldn't date and be in relationships freely. You had to keep pretending that you are a different person than what you are. And all this so people don't hate you. They don't bully, target, and malign you as they please. It's even difficult to imagine that. And while doing all this you get suffocated and snubbed by your own self asking you to be careful of what you say, how you say it, when you say it and to whom you speak to. And you continue this existence and get married to a woman to fulfill the world's expectations and one cannot begin to imagine that life after marriage.
Indians live socially complex lives. Even in the so-called elite, well-educated, champagne-drinking, gourmet food, wealthy businessmen, and eclectic food critics, scenario our lives are complicated because we live them in our relationships. Homophobia, body shaming, bigotry, and misogyny see no class, pedigree, or education. They infect and decompose even the upper crust.
This is the essence of "His Storyy" the new gay love story series on ALTBalaji. The series deals with the emotions of every character involved in the life of a gay man married to a woman, in a very evolved manner. It is complete in the sense that it has all the imaginable parts of an Indian gay story. The revelation of the catastrophe so to say and the emotional coping of every person connected to the gay protagonist is depicted superbly.
This story has all the ingredients one can expect. We have the toxic masculinity, the misogyny, elite successful women, the closeted gay teenager and his fag hag, the married gay man, and his faithful loving wife. They all have been tossed in to make this spread of several course gourmet meals in an elitist restaurateur background with the gorgeous food critic. But somehow the food tastes undercooked. The toxicity is overwhelming. The corporate-like formality in many scenes leaves a dry palate. It seems as if the chef had the right ingredients but hasn't done justice to them.
The characterization is jumpy and jerky, The storyline is full of cliches and completely detached. I am not sure if the audience will connect to the series as a whole. The gay couple seems very plastic and passionless. They seem to be trying very hard to appear masculine for a gay story. Were the makers playing safe by choosing a high society set-up? Is it easier for the well-educated to accept alternate choices? Isn't the story of the gay married man too plain and linear? Doesn't it need more depth and intensity? These are a few questions I have for the writer and director.
#hisstoryy #gayseries #altbalaji #zee5 #critic #seriesreview #lgbtgseries #lgbt
Rating : 3 / 5
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