Friday 28 October 2016

Ae Dil Hai Mushkil

Interesting ! Karan Johar’s obsession with love and friendship offers a new twist. His philosophy of love being another form of friendship has assumed a different personality, allowing friendship its unique identity, separating it from love. The story shows imagination to steer away from the KJo’s usual narrative offering a different experience. Is it good ? Anything new is entertaining for sure, I leave the judgment to you. In all of the new films this year which present realistic stories and unique ideas, Ae Dil Hai Mushkil celebrates love.  It reminds us of the passionate and intense emotion of love and where ever there is passion,  Ranbir Kapoor has to be around. Though repetitive in his craft, Ranbir does pull off a decent performance. For a change the European locales and the oomphness of phoren cities does not dominate the experience. The story overtakes even the beauty of Aishwarya Rai. Aishwarya has finally got a role that suits her element of the untouchable beauty and international stylishness. Beautiful was never so beautiful as she shocks your visual senses to leave a permanent impression and be reminisced with the likes of Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe.

I don’t know how Karan did it but you will be clean bowled by the raw beauty, one of those freaks of nature. The first half has KJo stamped all over it with the branding of his previous films and songs in case you have forgotten them, nevertheless, it is fun and frolic. The entire film plays in the second half treading a new path of a unique characteristic and personality.  Definitely unexpected of KJo, this is film should be watched at least once to enjoy catchy songs like Break up. How can I forget Anoushka ?  She has spoken the most in the film and kind of has the strongest presence. The typical character she usually gets to play, she is bold, confident and superbly natural.

Rating – 3.5 / 5

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