Saturday 1 October 2016

M.S.Dhoni - The Untold Story

More of a documentary film, M S DHoni – The Untold Story, does not inspire strong emotions or reactions from the audience.  The life of a cricketer cannot be as difficult as of say a tennis player, in India. The game is a religion in India and the slightest talent will attract enough attention for the player to get enough opportunities. This fact probably translates into the film’s making as it lacks passion and fire. Slight changes or deviations from the player’s actual life to infuse some life and jolt the audience wouldn’t have hurt. A book about the cricketer’s life merely depicting the events would have been sufficient. Or a collection of reports from the media would have sufficed if the reporting of sportsman’s life was the intention. Two beautiful actresses and the effect of one scene, holds your attention from drifting off into deep sleep in this 3 hour film. Sushant Singh has done a great job but his capabilities have been wasted. The emotions of the Indian family, friendships and close connections with who you share a professional relationship, are soothing and give you the flavor of the social life in small town India. However Pandeyji could have spiced it up, added some twists punches movers and shakers to make it interesting. I am sure the cricketer’s life must have had bigger and harder falls from where he would have bounced back to be the great captain he is. Only that they haven’t been played out. But we know that anything will work in India if its remotely connected to cricket to generate a full house and make the money. We have greater icons who have fought bigger battles in the sport. Maybe the wrong sportsman was selected.
No offense to cricket lovers. This film can be passed.

Rating 3/5


  1. I started reading your post and did not read it any further when you said that since cricket is a religion in India, slightest talent will get noticed.

    My dear friend it is all the more difficult when you have more than a million people competing against you and you still make it to the top.

    Absolutely silly comment to start your review with

    1. Hi Vinod,

      Sorry to hurt your sentiments. It was not my intention.

      I was comparing cricket to other sports and how other sports get neglected due to popularity of cricket.

      Do keep the comments coming and reading my work. I appreciate your feedback and interest.

      Thank you and sorry.
