Wednesday 14 March 2018

3 storeys

The duration of this film is 1 hour and 40 minutes. The 1 hour and 30 minutes of it are simply fabulous. But the last 10 or so minutes completely destroy the great hour and half before it. Its so sad that something so amazing be destroyed by 10 minutes of disappointment. It’s like having a royal, absolutely perfect muti course meal be ruined by dessert. Three strong stories which will remain in my memory forever for their great narration and strong script. I remember Jeffrey Archer’s short stories, especially “Twist in the Tail” after watching this film. His stories were brilliant and had great twists at the climax. Same are these stories which build up to a brilliant climax and the climax leaves you enthralled and joyous. For you would never expect those endings.

 A great film to watch, but just try to walk out before Richa Chhada starts spoiling everything at the end. Every character gives a gripping performance. Renuka Sahane outdoes herself. Masumeh Makhija is brilliant and so are the two teens who play love birds. Pulkit Samrat looks dapper with the perfect body and great looks, but his acting is depressing. His desperation to imitate Salman Khan is pathetic and miserable. The nuances and intricacies of a chawl neighborhood has been brought to fore intelligently. The director has woven wonderful stories without compensating the charms of the Mumbai chawl. One can never fathom the secrets a human being carries and the untold incidents they have experienced. This film is about those stories buried deep inside.
Rating – 4 / 5

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