Friday 23 March 2018


We humans are designed to not accept anything that deviates from normal. We sideline and marginalize those few because we do not understand them. We are designed to be comfortable in the majority and suppress minority. It could be anything from having a physical impairment or a mental disability or following a life style and path that is not “normal”. We fail to realize that this deviation from normal was the deliberate doing of nature to allow the extraordinary to flourish. Most scientists, inventors, innovators and pathbreakers had a disability of some form. It was this disability that made them unique but unacceptable by the society. Hitchki is a story about such people who were rejected and humiliated by the society because they did not fit the mediocre majority. They were marginalized because they had huge potential hidden behind a disability, an abnormality. It’s an interesting couple of hours about a teacher with Tourette’s syndrome who changes the lives of the poor, under privileged children. Both of them are marginalized and ostracized for their respective shortfalls. Both manage to outshine and win by discarding the norm and inventing new paths.


The skeleton of this film is borrowed from the Hollywood film, Remember the Titans. However, the flesh and blood is all Indian. The idea maybe similar but the story, execution and emotions are shudh desi. This is a complete film with gripping narrative and continuity. The emotions expressed are strong and captivate you during the entire duration. The stories of students in a privileged Indian school coming from different backgrounds makes for a great symphony of experiences. The strong, the weak, the class and the mass all together bring forth an emotional experience of a good film. Its wholesome and satisfying. I was surprised when I learnt that this is a Yash Raj production. No beautiful goddesses in flowing chiffon sarees, no sweet candy love stories and no foreign locales. This film is on earth, in India with a grounded and strong realistic story. Rani is one of the most intelligent actors we have, who balances her craft to perfection. She truly knows her talent and also knows how to use it. The child actors give great performances far beyond their years. This is a complete film for the entire family and will entertain audience of every age.
Rating – 4 / 5

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